What Is Cannabis?
Cannabis is a medicinal drug plant often grown mainly in Turkey, Paraguay, the USA, Spain, India and Morocco. It is used as a cure for various diseases, including for calming effects on people with anxiety disorders.
How Cannabis Was Introduced To The World
In Ancient History, there are stories and legends of spiritually empowered healers who were called Shamans. Anthropology traces history to the present because, in many indigenous and tribal communities worldwide, these spiritual healers still reign as the doctors who help everyone. In pop culture, you might have come across the term ‘Witch Doctors’. These people have often been treated as criminaland of malicious intent because of the finer effects of colonization and an explicit demonization ofall things that the imperial powers considered ‘uncivilized’ according to their concepts of a good civilization. In recent times, people have been reaching down to the cores of the victimized societies to work out all that did and still is affecting their concepts of culture and what is acceptable. In a way, this includes the idea of spirituality and religion and its most minute details.
These healers were staples of richly layered tribal societies in the indigenous peoples of countries like South America, Africa, India, the Balkan Peninsula, Ancient Assyria and pretty much everywhere else. The recent trend of the reclamation of cultural originalities has been digging deep into the spiritual aspect. You can check this content for more details.